The EIP programme helps children develop their skills, overcome developmental delays, and rehabilitate disabilities.
Music and movement can improve various life skills in children on the autism spectrum, including their speech and communication skills.
Personalized learning allows them to enjoy their education and gain confidence at their own pace.
Functional academic lessons can be used for children with special needs like personal care and hygiene, computer skills, and social skills.
Play develops the whole child. Social, physical, intellectual, and emotional skills are learned and enhanced through play.
Art therapy can help children be healthier and better, with it being a proven tool in assessing and treating many psychological and physical disorders.
The Early Intervention Programme team comprises a Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Teacher, Psychologist, and Social Worker.
They work together to understand the needs of the children and create an individualized plan for each child. This plan includes speech therapy, occupational therapy, play therapy, art therapy, or social work sessions. The team uses this plan to help children develop skills in all areas of life such as communication skills, physical development, emotional development, and social skills. At Sapphire Academy, we ensure that each child receives the best support.
Components of learning:
With play our focus will be to develop social skills.
Activities of self-help skills are a series of basic activities performed by individuals on a daily basis, necessary for independent living at home or in the community Teaching these skills will foster independence on the journey to adulthood and is of utmost importance.
Involve the use of the smaller muscle of the hands. It requires a number of independent skills to work together to appropriately manipulate the object or perform the task.
Creativity develops in a nurturing, relaxed environment
Remember: The process is more important than the end product! special education special needs education Kuala Lumpur
Learning to talk is one of the most complex aspects of child development. Learning to talk involves listening, understanding, and analyzing information.
Language has:
A child's social and emotional development will be influenced by his inborn temperament, (eg. natural extrovert or shy introvert) and his environment.
To ensure a healthy emotional environment parents, caretakers and teachers should:
Do things together with the child
Help the child feel secure
Recognize and reward his efforts
Give the child responsibilities
Provide new experiences
Those physical skills which require whole body movement and which involve the large (core stabilizing) muscles of the body
“Learning through the Senses” Perception develops through the information gathered from the senses, allowing children to make sense of their environment. As they grow, babies and young children learn to discern information from the environment that is significant to them. This ability to filter information helps children interpret and attach meaning to objects and events.
We retain:
Literacy and early numeracy:
Brain Gym uses simple, enjoyable physical movements to help children learn and function better in the classroom.
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